Have you been searching for a way to feel more empowered and in control of your life?

Yes! I desire change!









Have you been searching for a way to feel more empowered and in control of your life?

Yes! I desire change!

Embark on a transformative journey of aligning your mind, body, and soul to create the life you truly desire

Embark on a transformative journey of aligning your mind, body, and soul to create the life you truly desire


This is for you if you feel...

  • Emotional Exhaustion
  • Self-Doubt and Insecurity
  • Lack of Boundaries
  • Body Image Issues
  • Limited Self-Care
  • Cultural and Societal Expectations
  • Lack of Supportive Networks
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Disconnected from Inner Self 
  • Unresolved Trauma or Past Hurts

If you resonated with even ONE of these, you are right where you belong…

By investing in your personal growth and joining this membership, you can embark on a journey toward alignment and empowerment!


You have the power to transcend your pain points, embrace your true self, and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

People can tell you how amazing you are ALL the time, YOU can even tell yourself this - but it doesn’t MEAN anything until you put in the work for it to FEEL real to you.

You are yearning to find your purpose… You are ACHING to FEEL like you belong, to feel anything but empty, to feel POWERFUL in your own being...

So you read the books, you listen to the podcasts, you follow the accounts on social media … but something is still missing.

You still don’t buy into it. You still don’t BELIEVE yourself. You’re still searching.
If only you could find someone who UNDERSTANDS what you are feeling if only you could connect with someone else who wants what you want… 


What if I told you that I have JUST what you are looking for RIGHT here with my Empowered Membership?


You do not have to let your limiting beliefs control you!


This membership was designed to help break the mental shackles that bind you from leaping forward…

People can tell you how amazing you are ALL the time, YOU can even tell yourself this - but it doesn’t MEAN anything until you put in the work for it to FEEL real to you.

You are yearning to find your purpose… You are ACHING to FEEL like you belong, to feel anything but empty, to feel POWERFUL in your own being...

So you read the books, you listen to the podcasts, you follow the accounts on social media … but something is still missing.

You still don’t buy into it. You still don’t BELIEVE yourself. You’re still searching.
If only you could find someone who UNDERSTANDS what you are feeling if only you could connect with someone else who wants what you want… 


What if I told you that I have JUST what you are looking for RIGHT here with my Empowered Membership?


You do not have to let your limiting beliefs control you!


This membership was designed to help break the mental shackles that bind you from leaping forward…

I was first introduced to Reiki and Angel Card readings by Annalisa over 3 years ago and I'm thankful for that experience.

Her attention to detail, beliefs and teachings allowed me to open up and accept the spiritual gift she provided.

Sessions with Annalisa leave me calm, clear, and refreshed, as to why I continue to use her services.


Annalisa isn't just an empowerment coach, she is a life changer, life enhancer, and life ENERGIZER. When I booked my first session with her, I felt mentally and emotionally exhausted. Life felt like a hamster wheel. Annalisa led me through breakthroughs regarding the life I want to live, not the life other people think I SHOULD live. All the modalities that she used and practised with me were life-changing. EFT, breath work and reiki just to name a few, also taught me how to lead with my intuition and how to create a plan that actually allows big dreams to come to fruition. In addition to Annalisa being great at what she does, her personality is even sweeter. She always met me with grace, encouragement, and full transparency.
- Sara

I recently attended a Weekend Wellness Retreat co-hosted by Annalisa and it was absolutely incredible!!

From the detailed welcome package to the gorgeous lakefront location, the delicious food and beverages, and the beautifully executed activities (EFT, Breathwork, Full Moon Ceremony to name a few), the attention to detail was so gratefully received.

Annalisa truly comes from the heart. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for coaching, guidance, and inspiration.


You need this membership if...

  • YOU desire to Break Free and Unleash Your True Potential

  •  YOU are  Tired of Spinning Your Wheels and want to  Discover the Power to Overcome Obstacles and Thrive in Every Area of Your Life?

  •  YOU Struggle to Find Balance and prioritize yourself and your needs? 

  •  YOU are ready to embrace your full potential and break through limitations and Experience True Personal Growth.

  •  YOU are feeling Lost and Uncertain and you desire to discover the path to Self-Discovery, Healing, and Transformation.

  •  YOU  are fed up with settling and want to break free from mediocrity and embrace a life of limitless possibilities.

I'm ready!

You need this membership if...

  • YOU desire to Break Free and Unleash Your True Potential

  •  YOU are  Tired of Spinning Your Wheels and want to  Discover the Power to Overcome Obstacles and Thrive in Every Area of Your Life?

  •  YOU Struggle to Find Balance and prioritize yourself and your needs? 

  •  YOU are ready to embrace your full potential and break through limitations and Experience True Personal Growth.

  •  YOU are feeling Lost and Uncertain and you desire to discover the path to Self-Discovery, Healing, and Transformation.

  •  YOU  are fed up with settling and want to break free from mediocrity and embrace a life of limitless possibilities.

I'm ready!

 Everything your heart has been dreaming of is right here, right at your fingertips…


I am Annalisa, and I was right where you were at one point.

I’ll never forget the day I stopped, took a long look in the mirror, and realized I didn’t recognize the woman looking back at me. Who even was she?

I was in the trenches of insecurity and people-pleasing, living a life that didn’t serve me in any facet. I allowed relationships and circumstances I didn’t belong in, to consume and form me into a person I didn’t even know.

In that moment, staring at my reflection, I knew something needed to change. I knew that what my soul was crying out for was bigger than what I could comprehend. So in that moment, I called out to my highest self. I dared her to meet me where I was, and in that moment, she showed up and my healing journey began.

It was not easy, some days required strength and determination I didn’t know I had. I needed to slow down, listen, pay attention, and be courageous. In order to become who I was meant to always be, I had to give up my comfort zone.

My journey was not linear. Some days I found myself falling victim to the Old Me, allowing old habits a foothold in my thoughts which set me back a few steps. My biggest issue was people-pleasing and leaving myself on the back burner.

When I made the decision to REALLY put myself first, to walk in the light of who my highest self truly is - the scales of my Old Self completely vanished for good. Peace became my home, and today I can confidently say that I am in better shape - spiritually, mentally, and physically at 47 - than I ever was in my younger years.

As your empowerment coach, I will never ask you to do something I never did. I have been where you are, I have overcome those feelings of emptiness and uselessness. If you allow me to, I vow to walk you through your darkness into the peace you deserve.

I wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful weekend of health, relaxation, and spiritual awakening.

I am new to all of this, but felt like the timing of your retreat was kismet and I had to be a part of it as I had a lot of questions, needed guidance and support. I honestly did not know where to begin, what to expect or where it would even take me, but you made me feel at ease from your warm welcome to the relaxing environment and the different teachings. I felt myself instantly opening and trusting the process in a very short time and I am so eager to learn more. I was so inspired by the female encouragement and support as these strangers became new friends who connected, opened up and showed true vulnerability and strength. It was truly inspiring and something that I don’t think will ever leave me.

I left at the end of the weekend feeling a new light within me and was eager to share what I had learned and discovered about myself and my guides. I feel a greater sense of purpose as I continue to navigate this path welcoming these new spiritual connections and inner strength.


So, if you are seriously…


→ Tired of feeling overlooked 

→ Limited in your growth 

→ Always feeling out of place, especially in your own skin 

→ Want BIGGER than what you are currently living 

→ Have no idea how to move forward with your dreams/desires


Then what are you waiting for?!

Join me for true expansion!

You deserve it!




  • 21 days Self-Love Journal & Workbook
  • Private 30-minute Angel Card Reading
Get 1 Year Access




Access to the membership on a month-by-month basis including, but limited to modalities, calls, and resources each month while membership is active.

Get Monthly Access

So, if you are seriously…


→ Tired of feeling overlooked 

→ Limited in your growth 

→ Always feeling out of place, especially in your own skin 

→ Want BIGGER than what you are currently living 

→ Have no idea how to move forward with your dreams/desires


Then what are you waiting for?!

Join me for true expansion!

You deserve it!




  • 21 days Self-Love Journal & Workbook
  • Private 30-minute Angel Card Reading
Get 1 Year Access




Access to the membership on a month-by-month basis including, but limited to modalities, calls, and resources each month while membership is active.

Get Monthly Access

By addressing your pain points, you can be motivated to pursue alignment and empowerment of your mind, body, and soul, leading to greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of purpose.


💫 Self-Discovery and Awareness: To be guided through self-reflection exercises, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your values, desires, and aspirations. By becoming aware of your strengths and areas for growth, you can start building a solid foundation for personal transformation.

💫 Mindset Shift: You'll learn powerful techniques to shift your mindset from self-doubt and insecurity to confidence and self-belief. By reframing negative thoughts and embracing a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles and unlock your true potential.

💫 Emotional Well-being: To learn tools and modalites with practical strategies to prioritize your emotional well-being. You want to learn effective stress management techniques, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate self-compassion and self-care practices to nurture your inner self.

💫 Empowering Relationships: You want to gain insights into building healthy, supportive relationships. You want to  learn about setting boundaries, effective communication skills, and attracting positive connections. This will help you cultivate relationships that uplift and empower you on your journey.

💫 Body Positivity and Self-Care: you want to shift towards body positivity and self-care and explore techniques to improve your body image, develop a healthy relationship with food and exercise, and prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul.

💫 Authentic Expression: You want to  embrace your authentic self and express yourself fully. You need tools to help you break free from societal expectations and embrace your unique voice, passions, and dreams. You want to learn to live authentically and align your actions with your true desires.

💫 Healing and Transformation: You want to know the importance of healing past wounds and trauma. You want to be offered guidance on how to embark on a healing journey, release emotional baggage, and cultivate forgiveness and self-compassion. This will empower you to create a brighter future.


Remember, joining a membership tailored to your needs as a woman can be a transformative experience.


It offers a supportive community of like-minded individuals, expert guidance, and a structured framework to facilitate your growth and empower you on all levels. 🙌


By addressing your pain points, you can be motivated to pursue alignment and empowerment of your mind, body, and soul, leading to greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of purpose.


💫 Self-Discovery and Awareness: To be guided through self-reflection exercises, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your values, desires, and aspirations. By becoming aware of your strengths and areas for growth, you can start building a solid foundation for personal transformation.

💫 Mindset Shift: You'll learn powerful techniques to shift your mindset from self-doubt and insecurity to confidence and self-belief. By reframing negative thoughts and embracing a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles and unlock your true potential.

💫 Emotional Well-being: To learn tools and modalites with practical strategies to prioritize your emotional well-being. You want to learn effective stress management techniques, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate self-compassion and self-care practices to nurture your inner self.

💫 Empowering Relationships: You want to gain insights into building healthy, supportive relationships. You want to  learn about setting boundaries, effective communication skills, and attracting positive connections. This will help you cultivate relationships that uplift and empower you on your journey.

💫 Body Positivity and Self-Care: you want to shift towards body positivity and self-care and explore techniques to improve your body image, develop a healthy relationship with food and exercise, and prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul.

💫 Authentic Expression: You want to  embrace your authentic self and express yourself fully. You need tools to help you break free from societal expectations and embrace your unique voice, passions, and dreams. You want to learn to live authentically and align your actions with your true desires.

💫 Healing and Transformation: You want to know the importance of healing past wounds and trauma. You want to be offered guidance on how to embark on a healing journey, release emotional baggage, and cultivate forgiveness and self-compassion. This will empower you to create a brighter future.


Remember, joining a membership tailored to your needs as a woman can be a transformative experience.


It offers a supportive community of like-minded individuals, expert guidance, and a structured framework to facilitate your growth and empower you on all levels. 🙌